Monday, December 24, 2012

Finals Week of Fall 2012: A Review

Typically I love Finals week.  It’s the one week a semester where you don’t have to do anything except cram for your finals and the rest of your schedule eases up because you do not have classes.  That has been my experience with Finals Week until this year.  This year I ended up having one final each day (which seemed great but really wasn’t), a job interview, too many shifts at work (my own fault there), and a heck of a lot of errands to run.  Needless to say my love of Finals Week changed a bit this year.  Nevertheless, I got through it.  I had harder classes than usual and ended up with some of the best grades of my college career so in the end everybody won.   But here’s a quick summary of some of what I experienced during Finals Week of Fall 2012:

Waffle Sandwiches
With little time to grocery shop and almost no groceries I resorted to popping two waffles into my Walmart toaster and spreading peanut butter on them.  I then joined them together to make a sandwich.  Ingenious.

Makeshift Index Cards
I had no time to shop for index cards and I had a desperate need for them!  Therefore I used printer paper and made my own.  I made dozens and because I was in a hurry, a majority of the cards were different sizes.  Then my wonderful friend Nicole (who is featured in my entry from Finals Week: Fall 2011) introduced me to StudyBlue (an online flash card generator) just in time for my last final.

My Apartment
My roommate and I are both pretty studious.  So obviously we did not clean our apartment for the last two weeks of the academic semester.  It looked like WWWIII in there. 

And finally…
I DRANK COFFEE LIKE IT WAS WATER.  I’m NOT ashamed.  I am, however, having withdrawal since I have gone back to only having one cup a day. 
My week ended with me picking up my out-of-town sister from O’Hare for a pre-holiday visit.  I then returned to the burbs where I overslept multiple days in a row and indulged in gossip magazines and television. 
I hope your finals week was equally as enthralling friends.


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