Monday, December 24, 2012

Finals Week of Fall 2012: A Review

Typically I love Finals week.  It’s the one week a semester where you don’t have to do anything except cram for your finals and the rest of your schedule eases up because you do not have classes.  That has been my experience with Finals Week until this year.  This year I ended up having one final each day (which seemed great but really wasn’t), a job interview, too many shifts at work (my own fault there), and a heck of a lot of errands to run.  Needless to say my love of Finals Week changed a bit this year.  Nevertheless, I got through it.  I had harder classes than usual and ended up with some of the best grades of my college career so in the end everybody won.   But here’s a quick summary of some of what I experienced during Finals Week of Fall 2012:

Waffle Sandwiches
With little time to grocery shop and almost no groceries I resorted to popping two waffles into my Walmart toaster and spreading peanut butter on them.  I then joined them together to make a sandwich.  Ingenious.

Makeshift Index Cards
I had no time to shop for index cards and I had a desperate need for them!  Therefore I used printer paper and made my own.  I made dozens and because I was in a hurry, a majority of the cards were different sizes.  Then my wonderful friend Nicole (who is featured in my entry from Finals Week: Fall 2011) introduced me to StudyBlue (an online flash card generator) just in time for my last final.

My Apartment
My roommate and I are both pretty studious.  So obviously we did not clean our apartment for the last two weeks of the academic semester.  It looked like WWWIII in there. 

And finally…
I DRANK COFFEE LIKE IT WAS WATER.  I’m NOT ashamed.  I am, however, having withdrawal since I have gone back to only having one cup a day. 
My week ended with me picking up my out-of-town sister from O’Hare for a pre-holiday visit.  I then returned to the burbs where I overslept multiple days in a row and indulged in gossip magazines and television. 
I hope your finals week was equally as enthralling friends.


A Very Special Holiday Entry

Dear Readers,
After not blogging for much of this semester, I offer you a brief (and hopefully entertaining) blog entry for the holidays.  Today I was enjoying last minute errand running/shopping at Holidays and I came across several things that fit under the “Junk You Never Need But Really Really want” category.  I had money on my person but I restrained myself and instead decided to discuss all of the things that I could have purchased on my blog.  

A Wine Sock Monkey

I have seen this several places now.  I like wine.  I also like socks and cute animals so a bottle of wine encased in a wine sock monkey is a trifecta of perfection.


Nesting doll measuring cups.  I LOVE to measure things and I already have a set of Harry Potter nesting dolls in my apartment so clearly this is a sign that I should start a collection.

Magnetic Bottle Openers

Useful and cute.

Junk in the Trunk

This is a ceramic tree trunk in which you can throw your junk.  No other item more accurately fits the “Needless junk you never need but really really want” category than this. 

The world’s ugliest canvas of a poodle...
I’m still trying to find a picture of this since the pictures on my phone won’t load to my computer, but trust me, it was atrociously ugly.  

Happy Holidays All!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Social Media Doppelganger?

I guess there was a Twitter account called @NYTOnit before it was suspended due to some violation.  This account used to poke fun at newspapers, specifically the New York Times.  It mocked all the basic information the NYT would report to its readers. 

Secondhand commenting/reporting on real news and constantly making fun of things reported in actual publications?!?!?!

Sounds like my dream job.


P.S. I read about this in the RedEye.  If I "tweeted" my hashtag would be #ireadlotsofpublicationsandhavealotofthoughtsaboutthearticles#

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hello old friends!

My dear readers,
It's been so long.  My last post was from August 24th, and I know that the four of you who follow me have been disappointed that you have not been made aware of my thoughts on the happenings of the world in fall of 2012.  But never fear.  I just "cranked out" a four page paper for political science and have no desire to finish Othello right now because it's 8:15 in the morning. 

I give you my thoughts...

This is what my face looked like the hour before the election was called.
Now it's stuck like that.


Quite frankly I really don't care all that much.  Yes, he had an affair.  As long as there weren't intelligence leaks or it is discovered that he broke important protocols it doesn't (or I guess didn't?) affect his ability to do his job.  I guess we'll have to wait and see what is discovered.  Neverteless, I mention it in my blog because every week in my Terrorism class we discuss current events that relate to terrorism.  Typically our discussions cover a variety of countries and topics related to terror so that fact that we talked about General Petraeus for half an hour and the implications it has as far as terrorism goes was a bit ridiculous.

 My professor began the end our discussion with, "Well class, this teaches you that when you're in a position of power..."  and the kid two seats to my right responded "ABUSE IT" before he finished. 

Clearly he was joking, but still, kid who sits two seats away from me whose name I still don't know four weeks from the end of the semester-YOU'RE A GEM. 


 "Before the election the Democratic Congressional Committee released a memo declaring the death of the Tea Party in the house." -Taken from YAHOO! news

Brief, but beautiful.

I'm thinking about renaming this blog "I'm Too Liberal for Real Life..."

Until next time,

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Fat Magnum

Today the Red Eye made the world aware of this burger/creation/thing...

Only in America.

Monday, July 30, 2012


But secretly you know you want to do it...

Yeah Rad Nails, that is one hot MAN-ICURE.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Dog Parks

People love their dogs.  Trust me, I know this much too well.  In last Sunday's Chicago Tribune there was an article about suburbs competing in a nationwide contest to win $100,000 to build a dog park.  Oak Forest and Orland park are finalists. 
Here's the real question:

Why does it cost $100,000.00 to build a dog park?

If someone could let me know I would greatly appreciate it.

Until next time,