Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I’m clearly awful at updating my blog.  However, I have a good reason.  I have been having too many adventures to find the time to sit down and write an entry, and I am perfectly okay with that.  About a month into my study abroad experience I took my first weekend trip out of Rome.  My destination?  Florence.
Florence was beautiful.  I actually liked it better than Rome while I was there, but I imagine that living there for a while would lose its appeal and there is consistently much more to do in Rome.  It was small enough to walk everywhere; there were tons of lovely shops and restaurants, and so much to see.  It was freezing the weekend we went, but that hardly makes a difference when one is having such a surreal experience. 
Here are some highlights from my trip:

The Duomo
This was a great experience.  I am not religious but I literally stopped in my tracks when I saw the church.  The exterior was colorful and detailed.  The paintings on the ceiling were vast, and it taught me an important lesson that I have been learning all semester.  Always, always, always, remember to look up and down when inside a building, church, or museum in Europe.  There is always something phenomenal to see that you might miss if you’re not careful.  We then paid eight euro to climb to the top which was WELL worth it.  I believe it was about 420 steps and it even became quite steep near the end!   It was the best decision of the trip.  

The David
On the whole I preferred the Uffizi to the L’Accademia; however, the David was everything I was told to expect and more.  The facial expression, the veins on his hands, and the fact that it is seventeen feet tall is unreal.  

Ponte Vecchio
This is a gorgeous bridge lined with expensive jewelry shops and gelaterias.  What more could anyone ask for?  The view is beautiful and the area is great.

Also, my friends and I  went to a lovely restaurant that kept giving us food and drinks.   

The Verdict?  This trip was a success and anyone who is in Italy and has the opportunity to travel to Florence should go.  

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